Pipe Organ Services

New Instruments
All new organs are fabricated in-house at our extensive factory workshops in Paterson, New Jersey. The quality throughout each new instrument is unmatched. All materials and components are selected with the knowledge of over 100 years of experience in pipe organ construction. Our electrical components are checked and re checked before finalization of the instrument. Our wood and leathers are hand selected from the finest providers in the world.
Each component of the instrument is thoroughly tested and assembled before the organ arrives on site. The tonal finishing of the instrument is completed by the Peragallo family themselves as the organ settles into its new surroundings.
Organ Maintenance & Tuning
In order to ensure that your pipe organ remains in fine playing condition at all times, we have established an extensive maintenance department. We offer various maintenance programs based upon instrument usage and the environmental issues of your particular situation.
Our typical program includes two, three or four tuning/service visits per year and emergency service.
Emergency 24-hour Organ Service
Someone is always available immediately to insure that your instrument will remain functional for all the special occasions in the life of the parish.
New Console / Switching Upgrades
With the influx of the digital age, we now utilize today’s technology to provide never before dreamed of capabilities for the organist. Auto pedal, Auto solo, transposers, playback and record, piston sequencing, midi and remote wireless keyboards are now a reality.
Rebuilding and Relocating Existing Instruments
Since 1918, the Peragallo Organ Company has been successfully refurbishing existing instruments throughout the United States. Instruments of all sizes receive the same complete refurbishing process to provide a resulting reliable organ.
In 1993 John Jr. oversaw refurbishing the famous Kilgen Organs at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City. This project included our firm adding a Nave Organ division at St. Patrick’s serve to tonally connect Gallery and Chancel Organs a full city block apart.
Some other work of note includes the resurection of the organ at the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph in Brooklyn, New York into a new instrument. We also restored the famous Aeolian-Skinner Organ at Columbia University, and recently relocating the John Whitney organ to the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA.
Tonal Consulting
The architecture of the space is the true resonator of the pipe organ. The space is the canvas the sounds of the organ are painted on. Proper location of the console in relation to the pipe work and the choir and congregation is truly what takes an instrument to the next level. The acoustical environment of the space in which the music is produced is a dedicated balance of materials and design characteristics.
We can offer proffessional services to guide your organ design, whether it is a new organ, a relocation of an older instrument, or a reworking of tonal resources in an existing instruemnt. Our goal is to produce instruments that truly serve to move the people who worship within the space. The earlier we can interface with your architects, designers and planners in the design process, the better we can guarantee a great result.
We can help you reach your financial goals to fund the pipe organ project. Our custom designed programs include hands on presentations which explain and conceptualize the pipe organ for the parishioner. Our unique memorial donation brochures have proven successful in funding your instrument. Please feel free to contact us and to sit down with you and implement a program to get your organ project moving.